مواضيع المحاضرة: The Mediastinum

The Mediastinum

Prof.Dr.Abduljabar Alhubaity
Head Dep.of Anatomy,Histology& Embryology
College of Medicine/ Mosul University
Mosul / IRAQ
10th April 2017

thorax lec.4

The Mediastinum can be defined as the space

Occupied by a septum of connective tissue
Embedded in it so many structures as nerves,
Vessels, lymphatics & lymph nodes and so

This space is enclosed between the medial surface of the 2 lungs (on each side ), middle part of the inlet of the thorax ( above ) and
The middle part of the outlet of the thorax (below) ,between the back of the sternum (anteriorly) and in front of the all the 12 thoracic vertebrae ( posteriorly ).

It is subdivided by an imaginary plane passing
Between the sternal angle (anteriorly ) and the intervertebral disc between 4th thoracic vertebra( T 4 ) & the 5th thoracic vertebra (T5).
Into a superior mediastinum just above this imaginary plane & an inferior mediastinum just below this imaginary plane. The inferior
Mediastinum is subdived into 3 parts by the presence of the pericardium containing the heart ( This is middle one).The space infront of it (anterior one )& the part behind pericardium and infront of the lower 8 thoracic vertebrae (T5-T12)is the posterior mediastinum .

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

The Superior Mediastinum

The superior mediastinum contains the followings:
1-The Arch of the Aorta & the 3 main As arising from it ( L.subclavian,L common carotid & the
Brachiocephalic Trunk on the right side ( it gives
The R.Subclavian & R. Common Carotid As ).
2-The The R.& L. vagi Nerves .
3-The R& L Phrenic Nerves ( C3-C5).
4-The R & L subclavian Veins (unite to form S.V.C)
5-The upper half of the Superior vena cava (S.V.C)
6-The R & L Sympathetic trunks.
7-The Thymus gland in children.

8-The lymph nodes & vessels embedded in it.

9-The Trachea.
10-The Esophagus.
11-The Left. recurrent laryngeal nerve running in
The groove between the trachea & esophagus .

12-The Thoracic duct.
13-The arch of tha Azygoes vein as it arches to reach the superior vena cava.

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

The Middle Mediastinum

It contains the following structures:
1-The Pericardium containing the Heart inside it.
2-The Ascending Aorta.
3-The Pulmonary Trunk.
4-The lower half of the Superior Vena Cava.
5-The terminal part of the Inferior Vena Cavas .
6- The root of the lung on each side (contains so
Many structures as A.,V., Bronchus & lymphatics).
7-The R.&L. Phrenic Nerve running on each side.
8-The Pericardiophrenic vessels parallel to the
Phrenic Nervs on each side.

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

The Posterior Mediastinum

Is the Space posterior to the pericardium(contains the Heart ) & the sloping part of the diaphragm.The space lies anterior to the lower 8 thoracic vertebrae ( T5-T12).It contains :
1-The Esophagus.
2-The Descending thoracic Aorta.
3-The The Esophageal Plexus of nerve on surface of
The Esophagus ( represents R .& L. Vagi Nerves).
4-The Thoracic Duct.
5-The Azygoes venous system .
6-The R.&L. Sympathetic Nerves.
7-The posterior mediastinal Lymph node groups.

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

The Anterior Mediastinum

It encloses between the back of the body of the Sternum (infront ) & anterior to the Pericardium
(behind).It contains the following structures:
1-The lower part of the Thymus in children may reach the upper part of anterior mediastinum.
2-Superior & Inferior Sternopericardial ligaments.
3-Anterior mediastinal lymph nodes group.
4-The internal thoracic (internal mammary) vessels
Just behind the costal cartilages on each side of the body of the sternum.

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

thorax lec.4

رفعت المحاضرة من قبل: Mustafa ALkheroo
المشاهدات: لقد قام 12 عضواً و 483 زائراً بقراءة هذه المحاضرة

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