مواضيع المحاضرة: Practical cell Injury

Practical of Cell Injury

Third Year

Practical cell Injury

• Endometrial hyperplasia is an example of hormone-induced hyperplasia due to hyperestrogenism.
Practical cell Injury

Practical cell Injury

Left ventricular hypertrophy.

pathological hypertrophy due to increase demand, this results in increase in the size of the organ

Practical cell Injury

On the left is a normal testis. On the right is a testis that has undergone atrophy

Metaplastic transformation (arrow) of the normal esophageal stratified squamous epithelium (Lt) to mature columnar epithelium
Practical cell Injury

Squamous metaplasia of bronchial epithelium

Practical cell Injury

Fatty changes of the liver a large clear space of a fat inside the hepatocyte that displaces the nucleus to the periphery
Practical cell Injury

Fat Droplets

Practical cell Injury

Practical cell Injury

Practical cell Injury

Practical cell Injury

Practical cell Injury

Liver cell necrosis: Nuclear changes


Coagulative necrosis(infarction)-Spleen

Practical cell Injury

Practical cell Injury

Myocardial infraction, the cells become more eosinophilic , loss of striation, absence of nucleus & their outline are preserved

Coagulative necrosis(infarction)-kidney

Practical cell Injury

Practical cell Injury

Practical cell Injury

Practical cell Injury

Liquefactive necrosis- Brain infarction

Practical cell Injury

Caseous necrosis (TB) involving hilar LN, yellow white appears as cheese-like

Practical cell Injury

Caseous necrosis (Lung TB),

amorphous structureless granular eosinophilic material

Practical cell Injury

Practical cell Injury

Fat necrosis

shadowy outlines of necrotic fat cells, with basophilic calcium deposits, surrounded by an inflammatory reaction

Fibrinoid necrosis. It is marked by deposition of fibrin-like proteinaceous material in arterial walls, which appears eosinophilic on light microscopy.

Practical cell Injury

It is a form of a necrosis of the tissue with superadded putrefaction.

Gangrenous necrosis
Practical cell Injury

Dry gangrene -Ischemia
Wet gangrene –D.M
Practical cell Injury

Apoptosis of an epidermal cell. The cell is reduced in size and contains brightly eosinophilic cytoplasm and a condensed nucleus.
Practical cell Injury

dystrophic calcification

Practical cell Injury

Fine, white granules or clumps, often felt as gritty deposits.

metastatic calcification lung
Practical cell Injury

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