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د . حسين هليل وداعة



- Is the condition which effect any individual eating habit either as result of their 
owing doing ( self-inflicting ) or as body reaction to consumption of food .


* eating disorder can range from mild mental anguish to life threating .it can affect 
every day exercise .


Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa


* are the most common eaten disorder with significant overlap between two together 
AN&BN are estimated 5% - 7% of female in US .


her eaten disorder like :





* rumination syndrome .


* compulsive overeating .


* selective eat disorder .


* binge eating disorder .


- cc by low body weight , intense to wish to be thin ,  in women amenorrhea " most 
patient young women who have distorted body image believing themselves to be fat 
even really severely underweight .


- most cases of AN begin in late adolescent and few after age of 30 yrs .


Epidemiology :


- the highest rate ------ among school girls and female university student account 
about 1% - 2 %



nearly all 95% patient are females from high social class in group such as 




and ballet dancer 


خبير الجمباز



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د . حسين هليل وداعة



- excessive concerned with shape and weight .


- pursuit of thinness with consequence low body weight .


- diet and avoid carbohydrate .


- self-induced vomiting .


- excessive exercise and purging .


- being eating in some patient .


- amenorrhea .


- consequence of starvation .


   * constipation .


   * low blood pressure .


   * brady-cardia and hypothermia .


- consequence of vomiting and laxatives abuse


   * alkalosis and hypokalemia .


- amenorrhea is secondary to weightless 


- low BP .


- sensitivity to cold .


- hypothermia .


- hypokalemia lead to epilepsy .


- cardiac arrhythmia lead to death .




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د . حسين هليل وداعة



Etiology :


- combination of individual predisposition .


- social factors that encourage dieting .


- school children and female colleges student .


- low self-esteem and pre-occupation with their appearance .


- increase A.N among ballet and actors .


- aggression against predominate mothers .


Course and prognosis :


- A.N run in fluctuation course with period of remission 


- 1\5 patient full recovery .


- other patient remaining severity .


- most patient reluctant to see psychiatric 


- history of development disorder and presence pattern of control of eating disorder.


-MSE :


   * depressive symptoms .


   * personality disorder .


physical examination .




Distribution of body hair ( lanugo hair ) normal in AN and abnormal in pituitary 
failure .


- sign of vitamin deficiency .


- sign of vomiting and purgative effect .



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د . حسين هليل وداعة



- making good relation with patient .


- family should be informed about hazard of disease .


- gaining of adequate weight is first priority .


- simple supportive measure .


- admission to hospital if patient weight is dangerous ( less than 5%) and in case of 
severe depression .


Hospital treatment :


- ideal body weight in comparism to length is necessary .


- daily diet at least 300 calories \ e meal .


- reassure patient that she can without loss of body weight and avoid vomiting .


- refers to episodes of uncontrolled and excessive eating .some time symtpoms of 
BN similar is to AN .


me has two main component  :

* BN syndro


    1- bulimia         2- behavior intended to prevent weight gain 


Usually ---------------  * dietary resistance .


                                   * self-induced vomiting .


                                   * excessive exercise .


                                   * abuse of purgative .


* the balance between these type of behavior such as patient usually of normal 
weight .


* most patient are female and they have normal menses .


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د . حسين هليل وداعة



* patient severely concerned of body weight .


* unlike AN patient with BN accept treat .


* episode predispose by stressful event .


* they extreme lack of control over eating that distinguish BN from AN and 
enormous amount of food are consumes .


* at beginning of event eat episode patient feel happy than develop guilt .


- repeat vomiting lead to several potassium depletion us serious . lead to weakness 
and arrhythmia and lead to renal damage and UTI 


- tetany and epilepsy .


- teeth pitting by repeated vomiting .


- parotid gland enlargement .


* epidemiology *


- prevalence up to 10% of young women .


- more frequent in developed country .


- prognosis most patient persist for many years .


Treatment :


- assessment of B.W


- assessment of depression symptoms ( use TCA )


- most patient treated as out patient .


- cognitive behavior therapy by self-monitoring .


- avoid sudden emotional change




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د . حسين هليل وداعة



Compulsive overeating ( Bing eating BE) :


- obsessive compulsive overeating is one of most common mental disorder that 
related to obsessive compulsive disorder .


- consumed thousands of calories in one sitting . unlike BN food is not vomiting of 
the body .



Epidemiology :


- compulsive overeating become obese .


- 2% of adult in USA develop BE .


- most common in young adult .


Etiology :


- high percent of depress among BE .


- BE patient indulge with alcoholism and other .


- impulsive behavior ( such are not thinking before acting out ) .


Clinical picture :


- patient difficult to discuss his problems .


- more health problems .


- difficult in sleeping at night .


- joint , muscle pain , headache  .


- suicide thought .


- patient trying to hiding the fact of disease





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د . حسين هليل وداعة











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