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Presentation of glomerular 


1.Nephrotic syndrome
2. Nephritic syndrome.
3. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. ( RPGN).

4. Asymptomatic proteinuria. 

5. asymptomatic hematuria. 
6.Macroscopic hematuria.
7.Chronic glomerulonephritis.

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Nephrotic syndrome 

pathognomonic of glomerular disease

Definition  five criteria 

1. ( proteinuria) > 3.5 g protein in 24 h urine = frothy urine. 

Normal protein in urine 150 mg/24 hour.

2. Edema = puffy eyes in the morning decreasing gradually 

during the day, leg swelling, increasing body weight. Is due 
to accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space . The most 
acceptable mechanism is the 

under fill theory . (The protein loss in urine lead to decrease 
albumin in plasma and decreased effective vascular volume 
with resultant activation of the aldosterone leading to 
retention of fluid ).the other less acceptable is

the over fill theory which is that the primary glomerular 

pathology leads to retention due to inflammation and 
activation of the RAAS .  

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3- hyperlipidemia   increase serum lipid because  the 

liver compensate for proteinuria by  protien synthesis  

and one of these are lipoproteins.

Lipid abnormality  ( increase LDL, IDL, VLDL ,( 

increase hepatic  synthesis), increase total cholesterol 
( increase hepatic synthesis), decrease HDL levels ( 
increase hepatic synthesis and increase urinary 

clearances), increase atherogenisity due to increase in 

lipoprotein level and increased oxidized form of the  
LDL levels. 
4. hypoalbuminemia : serum albumin < 3.5 g/dl ( 
normal 3.5-6 ) = white nails
5- Lipiduria appearance of lipid substances in urine 

during microscopic exam.

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•Differential diagnosis of generalized 


1.Heart failure ( increase jugular venous pressure + EF 


2.Hepatic cirrhosis ( stigmata of chronic liver disease and 

usually started as ascites)


4.Protein losing  enteropathy


6.Cyclical edema

7.Static edema

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Hypercoagulability  = abnormal spontaneous thrombosis of the 

(increase platelets aggregation, immobility, hypovolemia, increase 
fibrinogen, factors V, VII, von willibrands and ά 1 macroglobulin, 
increase urinary clearances of anti thrombin III)  this leads to venous 
thrombosis and with accelerated atherosclerosis  to arterial thrombosis 
the later is more in children with minimal change disease. These usually 
happened when albumin level decrease to less than 2 g/dl. 
Dysfibrinogenemia leads to increase ESR even more than 100. rena;l
vein thrombosis can ocuur ( clinically in 8% ) but when looking for it 
present in 50 % and if bilateral can leads to AKI ( rare) and when present 
it present as flank pain and hematuria. Pulmonary embolism


III. Hyperlipidemia and lipidurea 
IV. decreased Vit D2 level with normal free Vit D level ( due to loss of 

binding protien ) so frank osteomalacia is rare in nephrotics.

V. Iron, zink, copper deficiency ( binding  protiens lost in urine)

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VI. Decrease total T-4 but free T-4 & TSH are normal and 

no clinical consequences.

VII.. Infection :  due to oedema fluid which is a good 

culture media, loss of complement and IgG in urine, 

fragile skin in nephrotics, dilution of local humoral

immunity factors by fluids , impaired neutrophil  

phagocytosis, loss of transferrin and zink in urine 

which are required for lymphocytes function

VIII.  Acute kidney injury :  due to volume depletion, 

sepsis , transformation of the disease, bilateral renal vein 

thrombosis, drugs susceptibility ( NSAIDs, ACEIs, ARBs), 

increased risk of interstitial nephritis due to the drugs  

including diuretics, nephrosarca ( intra renal oedema with 

compression of the tubules)
IX.   Chronic kidney disease : especially if protienuria > 5 

gs /24 h but not usually in minimal change disease.

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•Management of nephrotic syndrome

1.Non specific management:

❖Diuretics for edema (loop diuretic +/- thiazides ).
❖Lipid lowering for hyperlipidemia ( statin)
❖ACEIs + ARBs with CCBs and spironolacton if 

needed for proteinuria

• 2-Specific treatment according to the cause ( 

coming lectures)

3-Treatment of complications as antibiotics for 

infections and anticoagulants for thrombotic events.

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causes of nephrotic

1. minimal change disease usually in children ( no changes in 


2. membranous GN( thikining and spikes in GBM with IgG

deposition in the glomeruli only, 

3. focal segmental glomeruloseclerosis( fibrosis and 

adhesion or synechiae of the bowman capsule and now 
regarded the most common cause of nephrotic syndrone
in adults) 

4. diabetes mellitus ( diabetic nephropathy, nodular 

seclerosis )

5. amyloidosis ( deposition of abnormal protien)
6. Membranoproliferative GN ( type I.II, cryoglobulinemic)

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nephritic syndrome

1. hypertension ( normal blood pressure in nephrotic), 
2. less oedema than nephrotic, 
3. less protienuria, i.e non nephrotic range  that is less than 3.5 g / 24 


4. very rapid onset ( usually insidious in nephrotics except in minimal), 
5. Hematuria with RBCs cast ( for academic purposes we will regard as 

not present in nephrotic) 

RBC cast = proteinatious substances embedded in it RBCs and these 
RBCs are usually destructed RBCs ( dysmorphic RBCs) coming up from 
the inflamed glomerulus . (hematuria + proteinuria ) is called active 
urine sediment ( absent in nephrotic  in which urine sediment is called 
1. Oliguria ( may happened in nephrotics with severe oliguria )
2. normal to slightly reduced serum albumin ( severe in nephrotic),
3. elevated jugular venous pressure ( normal or low in nephrotic)

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Causes of nephritic syndrome.

1. Post streptococcal GN (  typically 2 weeks after pharyngitis,  

3 weeks after impetigo .), elevated ASOT , tea color urine , 

decrease urine output = oliguria= < 300ml/24 h or anuria = 

<100 ml /day , hypertension )

2. IgAN typically  few days… 3-5 days  after URTI or 


3. Systemic lupus ( SLE) = (lupus nephritis). SLE is  a 

connective tissue disease of unknown etiology (4 of 11 

diagnostic criteria) with positive antinuclear Ab, Anti 

double strand DNA Ab, decreasesd C3 & C4 complement 


4. After endocarditis, abcesses. In both blood culture is 

helpful in diagnosis.

5. Vasculitis ( small vessel vasculitis ( wegners

granulomatosis = granulomatous polyangitis) , microscopic 

polyangitis , churg – strauss syndrome. 

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Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

Days to weeks renal function will deteriorate with features of nephritic
But Usually blood pressure is normal, may have vasculitic features as 
petichial rash in skin, 
1. Goodpasture syndrome ( renal failure + pulmonary  hemorrhage .. 

Hemoptysis positive anti glomerular basement membrane Abs.

2. Vasculitis;

wegner ( upper.. sinusitis & lower RT…. lung nodules, hemoptysis, 

lung cavitation with renal failure  and positive C- ANCA)

microscopic polyangitis.. Multisystem involvement with positive P 


pauci immue crescentic GN .. Renal involvement only with positive P 

3.      PSCGN
4.      IgAN/ Henoch Schonlein purpura
5.      endocarditis

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Asymptomatic Protienuria (150 mg- 3000mg / 24 hours)
Asymptomatic Hematuria > 2 RBCS/ HPF or > 10 milion / liter 
and are usually dysmorphic RBCs 

Macroscopic hematuria

Brown red painless no clots coincide  with infection 
And between attacks there is microscopic hematuria +/-

Chronic glomerulonephritis

Presents as Renal insuffiecncy ( increase blood urea and 
serum creatinine)  , hypertension, protienuria often > 3 
grams, shrunken smooth kidney by U/S  < 9  cm length and 
renal biopsy is contraindicated.

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•oliguria < 500ml in 24 hour
•Anuria < 100 ml/ 24 hour

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