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                                       Injuries of the knee and leg




Acute knee ligaments injuries



The bony structure of the knee joint is inherently unstable , but the  the strong capsule, 
intra and extra-articular ligaments and controlling muscles provide stability. 


 Valgus stresses are resisted by fascia lata , pes anserinus, superfacial and deep layers 
of the medial collateral ligament and posteromedial part of the capsule .In full 
extension all these structures , as well as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) , act 
together to prevent both valgus and rotation.At 30 of flexion , the medial collateral 
ligament is the main stabilizer.


 The main checks to varus angulation are the illiotibial tract and the lateral collateral 


 The cruciate ligaments provide both anteriopsterior and rotary stability. 


   Injuries of the knee ligaments are common ,particularly in sport and RTA, where 
they may be associated with fractures and dislocation. They vary in severity from 
simple strain to complete rupture.


  Most ligaments injuries occur while the knee is bent, when the capsule and ligaments 
are relaxed and the femur is allowed to rotate on the tibia.


  Clinical presentation-


    The patient gives a history of twisting injury and may even claim to have heard a 
pop as the tissue snapped, the knee is swollen which appear immdiatley.there is pain 
and tenderness is most acute over the torn ligament, and stressing one or other side of 
the joint may produce severe pain . With complete tear the patient may have little or 
no pain , whereas with partial tear the knee is painful , swelling also is worse with 
partial tear, because the haemorhage remains confined the knee joint  , with complete 
tear the ruptured capsule permits leakage and diffusion. With partial tear attempted 
movements is always painful, the abnormal movements of complete tear is often 
painless or prevented by spasm. Abrasion suggest the site3 of impact , but bruising is 
more important and indicates he site of damage . The doughy feel of haemarthrosis 
distinguishes ligament injuries from meniscus injury with fluctuant feel. Tenderness 
localizes the lesion , but the sharply defined tender spot of partial tear contrast with 
the diffuse tenderness of complete one. The entire limb should be examined for other 
injuries and for vascular and nerve damage.


    The most important aspect of examinations is to test for stability , partial tear 
permit no abnormal movements but causes pain. Complete tears permits abnormal 
movements which sometimes is painless. To distinguish between the two is important 
because their treatment is different , so if there is doubt , examination under 
anesthesia is mandatory.


  Imaging –plain x- ray may show that ligament has avulsed a small piece of bone – 
the medial ligament usually from the femur , the lateral ligament from the the fibula , 
the anterior cruciate ligament from the tibial spine and the posterior cruciate ligament 
from the back of upper tibia. 


    Stress film demonstrates if the joint hinge open on one side .


    MRI is sometimes needed to distinguishes partial tear from complete tears.CT scan 
may help to define osteo-articular fractures prior to internal fixation.


    Arthroscopy is needed if there suspicions of isolated tear anterior cruciate ligament 
tear and  to exclude other internal injuries such as mensical tears.


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  A-sprains and partial tear – the intact fibers splint the torn ones and spontaneous 
healing will occur. The hazard is the adhesions , so active exercises is prescribed from 
the start  and facilitated by aspiration of tense effusion , applying of ice packs to the 
knee and , sometimes by injecting local anesthesia into the tender area. Weight –
bearing is permitted but the knee is protecte4d from rotation or angulation strains by 
heavy padded bandage or functional brace.


 B-complete tears 


 1-isolated tear of medial collateral ligament: long cast brace is applied for 6 weeks 
and thereafter graded exercise are encouraged.


 2-isolated tear of lateral ligament : treated as for medial ligament(MCL).


 3-isolated tear of ACL: operative reconstruction is indicated in a-professional 
sportsmen b- if there is avulsion of tibial spine .  in others , the treatment is 
conservative , the cast brace is worn only until symptoms subsides and thereafter 
movement and muscle strengthing exercise are encouraged.


 4-isolated tear of posterior cruciate ligament treated conservatively.


5- combined injuries: a) combined  ACL and collateral ligament injury – 
reconstruction of the ACL often obviates the need for collateral ligament treatment .


 b) combined  posterior cruciate ligament and collateral ligament injuries – similar is 
used but , here all the damaged structures to be repaired.


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Dislocation of the knee 



  The knee can be dislocated by considerable violence , as in RTA . The cruciate  
ligaments and one or both lateral ligaments are torn. 




 Clinical features: a-severe bruising b- swelling c- gross deformity d- the distal 
pulsation must be examined to exclude damage of the popliteal artery also sensation 
of the limb must be checked.


  x-ray – in addition to the dislocation , the film occasionally reveal a fracture of the 
tibial spine . if there is any doubt about the circulation ., an arteriogram should be 






 a) closed reduction under anesthesia must be done urgently , this achieved by pulling 
directly in the line of the leg , but hyperextension must be avoided because of the 
danger to the popliteal vessels , after that the limb is rested on a back splint  with the 
knee in 15 degree of flexion , the circulation is checked during the next week. If the 
joint is unstable , an anterior external fixation can be applied. B) open reduction is 
indicated in 1-failure of closed reduction 2-open wound 3-vascular damage. When 
swelling ha subsided , a cast is applied and worn for 12 weeks , weight bearing in the 
plaster is permitted as soon as the patient can left the leg.    






  a) early 1- arterial damage – popliteal artery damage is common and need immediate 
repair 2- nerve injury – the common peroneal nerve may be injured , but fortunately it 
recover by itself 


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  b) late 1- joint instability 2- stiffness may occur due to prolonged immobilization.



  Acute injuries of the extensor apparatus



Disruption of the extensor apparatus may occur in the quadriceps tendon , at the 
attachment of quadriceps tendon to the proximal surface of the patella , through the 
patella and retinacular expansion , the patellar ligament or at the insertion of the 
patellar ligament to the tibial tubercle.


  In all but direct fractures of the patella , the mechanism of the injury is the same , 
sudden resisted extension of the knee or sudden passive flexion of the knee while the 
quadriceps is contracting.


   The lesion tends to occur at progressively higher  level with increasing age : 
adolescent suffer avulsion fracture of the tibial tubercle , young adult sport men tear 
the patellar ligament , middle aged adult fracture their patella , and older people suffer 
acute tear of the quadriceps.


    Rupture of the quadriceps tendon


      The patient is usually elderly , may have a history of diabetes or rheumatoid 
disease, or may have been treated with corticosteroid .occasionally acute rupture is 
seen in young  athlete. the typical injury is followed by tearing pain and giving away 
of the knee .There is bruising and local tenderness, sometimes a gap can be felt 
proximal to the patella . Active knee extension either impossible (complete tear) or 
weak(partial tear) . The diagnosis can be confirmed by MRI.  





a)partial tear :plaster cylinder is applied for 6 weeks followed by physiotherapy.



b)complete tear :need operative treatment.


Rupture of the patellar ligament 




 This is uncommon injury , it is usually seen in young athletes and the tear is almost 
always at the proximal or distal attachment of the ligament. There may be previous 
history of tendonitis and local injection of corticosteroid.


 The patient gives a history of sudden pain on forced extension of the knee , followed 
by bruising , swelling and tenderness at the lower edge of the patella or more distally.


   X- ray may show a high riding patella and  a tell-tale flake of bone torn from the 
proximal or distal attachment of the ligament. MRI will help to differentiate a partial 
from a complete tear.




  Partial tear can be treated by applying plaster cylinder .complete tear need operative 
repair or reattachment to the bone.   





Fracture patella





The patella is a sesamoid bone in continuity with quadriceps tendon and the patellar 
ligament . there are additional insertion from the vastus medialis and lateralis into the 

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medial and lateral edges of the patella. The extensor strap is completed by the medial 
and lateral extensor retinacula which bypass the patella and insert into the  proximal 


  The key to the management of patellar fractures is the state of the entire extensor 
mechanism.if the extensor retinacula are intact , active knee extension is still possible 
even if the patella itself is fractured..


    Mechanism of injury


  The patella may be fractured by direct force or by indirect traction force that pulls 
the bone apart.


  Direct injury usually a fall into the knee or a blow against the dashboard of a car 
causes either undisplaced c rack or a comminuted fracture, without severe damage to 
the extensor expansion.


  Indirect injury occurs typically when someone c atches the foot against a solid 
obstacle and to avoid falling , contracts the quadriceps muscle forcefully . this is a 
transverse fracture with a gap between the fragments.


 Clinical features 


The knee is painful , swollen. there may be abrasion or bruising over the front the 
joint .  the patella is tender and sometimes a gap can be felt.


   Active knee extension should be tested , if the patient an left the leg, quadriceps 
mechanism is still intact. If there is an effusion , aspiration may reveal the presence of 
blood and fat droplets.


  X-ray may show one or more fine fracture lines without displacement , multiple 
fracture lines with irregular displacement or transverse fracture with gap between the 


  Patellar fractures are classify as transverse ,polar ,longitudinal or comminuted. 
Displacement is significant if the the gap between the fragment is more than 3mm or 
if the displacementc reate astep on the articular surface of the 




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a)undisplaced or minimal displaced fractures : a cylinder cast holding the knee 
strieght is worn for 3-4 weeks with quadriceps exercises, if there is a haemoarthrosis 
it is aspirated.


b)comminuted fracture  can be treated by cylinder cast .


c)displaced transverse fracture 


the lateral expansions are  and the entire extensor mechanism is disrupted, operation is 



Dislocation of the patella



Because the knee is normally angled in slight valgus , there is natural tendency for the 
patella to pull towards the lateral side when the quadriceps muscle contract. Lateral 
deviation of the patella during extension is prevented by number of factors 1-
intercondlyler groove2-medial patellofemoral ligament3-medial patellomensical and 
patellotibial ligaments 4-medial retinacular fibers.


Mechanism of injury


1-while the knee is flexed and quadriceps muscle relaxed , the patella may be forced 
laterally by direct violence which is rare. 2- indirect force due to sudden severe 
contraction of quadriceps muscle while the knee is steched in valgus and external 
rotation, this is more common.


Predisposing factors


1-genu valgum 2- tibial torsion 3- high riding patella 4-shallow intercondylar groove 
5- patellar hyper mobility.


  Clinical features 


 The patient may feel a tearing pain sensation and feeling that the knee has gone out 
of the joint , when running , the patient may collapse and fall into the ground . often 
the patella spring back into position spontaneously , however if it remains unreduced , 
there is obvious deformity, the displaced patella seated on the lateral side of the knee , 
neither active or passive movement is possible.


   If dislocation has reduced spontaneously , the knee may be swollen and there may 
be bruising and tenderness on the medial side. 





Ap ,lateral and tangential x-ray views are needed . in an unreduced dislocation , the 
patella is seen to be laterally displaced and tilted or rotated.


  MRI may reveal soft tissue lesion, torn ligaments and articular cartilage and bone 




 In mostc ases the patella can be pushed back into place without much difficulty and 
anesthesia not needed , the exception is intra articular dislocation which may need 
open reduction, the knee is aspirated and then immobilized in full extension in cast for 
2-3 weeks .


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            Tibial plateau fractures 


  Fractures of the tibial plateau are caused by avarus or valgus force combined with 
axial loading. This sometime the result of car striking a pedestrian , more often it is 
due to a fall from height in which the knee is forced into valgus or varus.the tibial 
ondyle is crushed or split by the opposing femoral condyle which remain intact.





  The most useful classification is that of Schatizker


     Type 1- vertical split fracture of the lateral condyle . this is a fracture through 
dense bone , usually in young people .


    Type 2- vertical split of the lateral condyle combined with depression of adjacent 
load bearing part of the condyle .


    Type 3- depression of the artciular surface with intact condyler rim , this injury is 
the commonest one , typically occurs in older people who are osteoporotic.


    Type 4- fracture of the medial tibial condyle .


   Type 5- fracture of bothc ondyles, and tibial shaft is wedged between them.


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   Type 6- combined condyler and subcondyler fractures, this is a high energy injury 
which may result in severec omminution. 



    Clinical features 


  The knee is swollen and may deformed. Bruising is usually extensive and the tissue 
feel doughy  because of haemoarthrosis. Gentle examination may suggest medial or 
lateral instability. The leg and foot should be examined for signs of vascular or 
neurological injury.




Ap,lateral and oblique views will usually show the fracture, but the amount of 
Comminution may not appreciated without tomograghy.


  Stress views are sometimes helpful in assessing the degree of joint instability.




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Type 1- fractures if undisplaced can be treated conservatively . the haemarthrosis is 
aspirated and a compression bandage is applied, as soon as the acute pain subside and 
selling subsided , a hinge cast brace is fitted and the patient is allowed up . after 4 
weeks , partial weight bearing is permitted but full weight bearing is delayed until the 
fracture has healed.


     Displaced fractures should be treated by open reduction and internal fixation.


  Type 2- if depression is slight (less than 5 mm), the knee is stable and the patient is 
old and frail, the fracture is treated closed with the aim of regaining mobility and 
function. After aspiration and compression bandaging, skeletal traction is applied via  
a threaded pin passed through the tibia 7 cm below the fracture. An attempt is made to 
squeeze the condyle into place , the knee is then flexed and extended several times to 
mould the upper tibia on the opposing femoralc ondyle, as soon as the fracture is 
sticky , the traction pin is removed , a hinged  cast brace is applied and the  patient is 
allowed up on crutches, but full weight bearing is deferred  for 10 weeks  .


    In young patients , and more so in those with central depression of wore than 5mm 
.open reduction and internal fixation is preferred.


  Type 3- the principles of treatment are similar to type 2 fractures.  


  Type 4- a) osteoporotic crush fracture of medial plateau are difficult to reduce , in 
long term the patient is likely to be left with some degree of varus deformity . the 
principles of treatment are the same as for rush fracture of the lateral plateau.


 b) for medial condyler split fracture  , if undisplaced can be treated closed as for an 
undisplaced type 1 fracture . displaced fracture will need open reduction and internal 


  Type 5&6 fractures , a simple bicondyler fracture in an elderly patient can often be 
reduced by traction and the patient is then treated as for type 2 injury , more complex 
fractures with Comminution especially in younger adult are better managed 






1- compartment syndrome , with closed type 5&6 fractures , there is considerable 
bleeding and swelling of the leg. 





1-joint stiffness 2- deformity 3- osteoarthritis 


    Fractures of the tibia and fibula 



The tibia is more commonly fractured , and more commonly sustain an open fracture 
than any other long bone because of its subcutaneous position.


Mechanism of injury 


  A twisting force causes a spiral fracture of both leg bones at different levels , 
angulatory force produces transverse or short oblique fractures at the same level.


  Direct injury rushes or split the skin over the fracture, this is usually a high energy 


  The risk of complication and progress to fracture healing are directly related to the 
amount and type of soft tissue damage.


    The following table show Gustilos classification of open fractures 


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Bone injury


Soft tissue injury 






Simple low energy fracture , spiral or 
long oblique 




Less than 1 
cm long 




Moderate comminution


Moderate , some muscle damage 


More than 
1cm long 




High fracture pattern , comminuted 
but soft tissue cover possible 


Severe deep contusion plus –
minus compartment syndrome


More than 
1cm long 




Requires soft tissue reconstruction 
for cover


Severe loss of soft tissue cover


More than 10 
cm long 




Requires soft tissue reconstruction 
for cover


As 3b , with vascular injury that 
need repair 


More than 
10cm long 





Clinical features 


The limb should be carefully examined for signs of soft tissue damage :bruising , 
severe swelling , crushing or tenting of the skin , an open wound , circulatory changes 
, diminution or loss of sensation and inability to move the toes . always be on the alert 
for signs of an impending compartment syndrome.




The entire length of both tibia and fibula , as well as the knee and the ankle joint must 
be seen. Spiral fractures without Comminution are low energy injuries .transverse , 
short oblique and comminuted fractures especially if displaced are usually high 

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  The main objectives are 1-tolimit soft tissue damage and preserve cover2- to prevent 
or at least recognize compartment swelling 3- to obtain and hold fracture alignment 4-
b to start early weight bearing 5- to start joint movement as soon as possible.


  Low energy fractures 


 Most low energy fractures including Gustilo 1&2 injuries after attention to the wound 
can be treated non operative methods.


  If the fracture is undisplaced or minimally displaced a full length cast from upper 
thigh to metatarsal neck is applied with the knee slightly flexed and the ankle at right 
angle , displacement of the fibular fracture is ignored.


  If the fracture is displaced , it is reduced under general anesthesia with x-ray control 
. apposition need not to be complete but alignment must be near perfect (no more 7 
degree of angulation) and rotation absolutely perfect. A full length cast is applied as 
for undisplaced fractures. The position is checked by x-ray , minor degrees of 
angulations can still bec orreted by making transverse cut in the plaster and wedging it 
into a better position.


     The limb is elevated and the patient is kept under observation for 48-72 hours to 
avoid compartment syndrome. After 2 weeks , the position is checked by x – ray . the 
cast is retained until the fracture unites , which is 8 weeks in children but seldom 
under 16 weeks in adults.


     Indication for fixation in low energy fractures 


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1-failure of closed reduction 2- non union 3- unstable fractures. 




   High energy fractures




     Initially the most important consideration is the viability of the damaged soft tissue 
and underlying bone.


    Tissues around the fracture should be disturbed as little as possible and open 
operation should be avoided unless there is already an open wound, transverse 
fractures are usually stable after reduction, they can be treated closed , provided a 
careful watch is kept for symptoms and signs of compartment syndrome.


    Comminuted and segmental fractures , those associated with bone loss and any 
high energy fracture which is inherently unstable requires early surgical stabilization.


   Open fractures 




   A suitable treatment for open fractures include : 1- antibiotics 2- debridement 3- soft 
tissue cover 4- rehabilitation


     Antibiotics are started immediately , a second generation cephalosporin is suitable 
for Gustilo type 1-3a wounds , but more severe grades benefit from gram –negative 
cover as well. If the wound result from agricultural accident, anaerobic cover with 
metronidazole should be added.


    Adequate debridement is possible only if the original wound is extended , however 
excise as little skin as possible .




     Gustilo grade 1 injury an be closed primarily and then treated as for closed injuries 
, more severe wounds are left open and reexamined  within 48 hours , if necessary a 
further debridement is carried out.


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     It is important to stabilize the fracture , for Gustilo 1,2,3a injures locked 
intramedullary nailing is permissible. For Gustilo 3 b&c , it is wiser to apply an 
external fixators , leaving the wound free to be inspected and treated as 


   Early complications


1-vascular injury , due to fractures of proximal half of the tibia may damage popliteal 
artery , this require urgent repair.


 2- compartment syndrome . tibial fractures, both open and closed and intramedullary 
nailing are the commonest causes of compartment syndrome of the leg.


 3- infection ,open fractures are always at risk .



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  Late complications 


1-malunion 2- delayed union 3- non union 4- joint stiffness 5-osteoporosis 6- 




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           Peripheral nerve injuries 



Seddon description of three different types of nerve injury (neuropraxia, 
axonotmmesis, and neurotemesis) served as useful classification for many years .


  Increasingly ,however, it has been recognized that manyc ases falls into an area 
some where between axonotemesis and neurotemesis. Therefore , following 
Sunderland, amore useful practical classification is offered here .




  1-first degree injury , this embraces transient ischemia and neuropraxia , the effect is 


   2-secnd degree injury , this correspond to axontemesis , the endoneurium is 
preserved, regeneration can lead to complete or near complete recovery without the 
need for intervention.


 3- third degree injury , this is worse than axonotemesis , the endoneurium is disrupted 
but the perineurial sheaths are intact  and the internal damage is limited . fibrosis and 
cross connection will limit recovery.


 4-fourth degree injury ,here only the epineurium is intact. The nerve trunk is still in 
continuity but the internal damage is severe , recovery is unlikely , the injured 
segment should be excised and  the nerve repaired or grafted.


 5- fifth degree injury, the nerve is divided and will have to be 




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       Obstetrical brachial plexus palsy


  Obstetrical palsy is caused by excessive traction on the brachial plexus during the 
childbirth  .  two pattern are seen 1- upper root injury (Erb palsy), typically in 
overweight baby with shoulder dystocia delivery or 2- complete plexus 
injury(Klumpkes palsy) , usually after breech delivery of smaller babies.


   Clinical features 


 The diagnosis is usually obvious at birth , after a difficult delivery the baby has a 
floppy or flail arm. Further examination  a day or two later will define the type of 
brachial plexus injury .


   Erb palsy is caused by injury of c5& c6 and s.t c7 , the abductors and external 
rotators of the shoulder and the supinator are paralyzed. The arm is held to the side , 
internally rotated and pronated . there may also be loss of finger extension. Sensation  
 can not be tested reliably in baby.


   Klumpk is much less common , but more worse. This is complete plexus lesion , the 
arm is flail and pale , all finger muscles are paralyzed and there may be also be 
vasomotor impairment and unilateral Horner syndrome.


     x-ray should be taken to exclude shoulder or clavicular 




 Over the next few weeks one of several things may happen


1-paralysis may recover completely , many of the upper root lesions recovers spont. A 
fairly reliable indicator is return of biceps activity after 3 month.


 2- paralysis may improve . atotal lesion may partially resolve , leaving the infant with 
either an upper root or c omplete root syndrome which is unlikely to change.


  3- paralysis may remain unaltered, this is more likely with complete lesion.


    While waiting for recovery , physiotherapy is applied to keep the joint mobile.


  Operative treatment 


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If there is no biceps recovery by 3 months , operative intervene., should be considered 
. unless the roots are avulsed , it may be possible to excise the scar and bridge it with 
nerve graft. If the root are avulsed , nerve transfer may give good results.


   Axillary nerve


 The axillary nerve (c5&c6) arises from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus.  The 
nerve is sometimes ruptured in brachial plexus injury.  More often it is injured during 
shoulder dislocation or fractures of the humeral neck.  Iatrogenic injuries occur in 
transaxillay operation and with lateral deltoid splitting incisions.


   Clinical features 


 The patient complains of shoulder weakness , and the deltoid is wasted .  although 
abduction can be initiated, it can not maintained .  retropulsion is impossible , careful 
testing will reveal a small area of numbness over the deltoid.




 Nerve injury associated with fractures or dislocation recovers spontaneously in about 
80% of cases .  if the deltoid shows no signs of recovery by 6-8 weeks , EMG  should 
be done , if tests suggest denervation then the nerve is explored.  If operation of repair 
failed , provided that trapezius and serratus anterior are functioning , shoulder 
arthrodesis can provide both stability and some degree of abduction.



   Radial nerve 


  The radial nerve may be injured at the elbow , in the upper arm or in the axilla. 


  Clinical features 


Low lesion are usually due to fractures or dislocation at the elbow , or to local wound 
. iatrogenic lesion of posterior interosseous nerve where it winds through the 
supinator muscle are sometimes seen after operation on the proximal end of the 
radius.  The patient complains of clumsiness and on testing , can not extend the 
metacarpophalingeal joints of the hand.  In the thumb , there is also weakness of 
abdution and interghalangeal extension.  Wrist extension is preserved because the 
branch to the extensor carpi radialis longs arises proximal to the elbow. 


    High lesion occur with fractures of the humerus  or after prolonged tourniquet 
pressure .   there is an obvious wrist drop , due to weakness of the radial extensor of 
the wrist , as well as an ability to extend their metacarpoghalangeal joints . sensory 
loss is limited to a small patch on the dorsum around the anatomical snuffbox.


   Very high lesions may be caused by trauma or operation around the shoulder.  More 
often , they are due to chronic compression in the axilla , this is seen in drinker and 
drug addicts (Saturday night palsy) or in thin elderly patients using crutches.  In 
addition to weakness of the wrist and hand , the triceps is paralyzed and triceps reflex 

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 Open injuries should be explored and the nerve is repaired or grafted. Closed injuries 
are usually first or second degree lesions , and function eventually returns .


   If the palsy is present on admission , one can afford to wait for 6 weeks  to see if it 
starts to recovers.  If it does not , then EMG should be performed , if this show 
denervation potentials , then the nerve should explored.


  While recovery is awaited , the small joints of the hand must be put through a full 
range of passive movements.  If recovery does not occur , the disability can be largely 
overcome by tendon transverse.        



    Ulnar nerve 


  Injuries of the ulnar are usually either near the wrist or near the elbow , although 
open wounds may damage it at any level.


  Clinical features 


  Low lesions are often caused by cuts on shattered glass.  There is numbness of the 
ulnar one and a half fingers. The hand assumes a typical posture – the claw hand 
deformity , with hyperextension of the metacrpophalangeal joinof the ring and little 
fingers , due to weakness of the internsic muscles.  Hypothenar and interosseous 
wasting may be obvious by comparison with normal hand.  Fingers abduction is weak 
and this , together with loss of thumb addiction , makes pinch difficult. The patient is 
asked to grip a sheet of paper forcefully between thumb and index fingers while the 

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examiner tries  to pull it away, there will be powerful flexion of thumb 
interphalangeal joint (Forments sign).


   High lesions occur with elbow fractures or dislocation .  the hand is not markedly 
deformed because the ulnar half of flexor digitorum profundus  is paralyzed and the 
fingers are therefore less clawed , otherwise motor and sensory loss are the same as in 
low lesions.




 Exploration and suturing of a divided  nerve , anterior transposition at the elbow 
permits closure of gap up to 5cm.  while recovery is awaited , the skin should be 
protected from burn, passive physiotherapy keeps the hands supple and useful.  


   If there is no recovery after nerve repair , tendon transfer can be 




   Median nerve


 The median nerve is most commonly injured near the wrist or high up in the forearm.


  Clinical features


     Low lesion may be caused by cuts in front of the wrist or by carpal dislocation .  
the patient is unable to abduct the thumb and sensation is lost over the radial three and 
a half digit. In long standing cases the thenar eminence is wasted and trophic changes 
may be seen.


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    High lesions are generally due to forearm fractures or elbow dislocation, but stabs 
and gunshot wounds may damage the nerve at any level.  The signs are the same as 
those of low lesions  but , in addition the long flexor of the thumb, indexand middle 
fingers, the radial wrist flexor and the forearm pronaters muscles are all paralyzed.  
Typically , the hand is held with the ulnar fingers flexed and the index straight ( the 
pointing sign)  .  also because the thumb and index flexor are deficient , there is 
characteristic pinch defect.


     Isolated anterior interosseous nerve lesions are extremely rare .  the signs are 
similar to those of a high median nerve injury , but without any sensory loss.






   If the nerve is divided , suturing or nerve grafting should always be attempted.  
Postoperatively the wrist is splinted in flexion to avoid tension.


   Late lesions are sometimes seen, if there has been no recovery , tendon transfer can 
be done .


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    Femoral nerve 


    The femoral nerve may be injured by gunshot wound , by pressure or traction 
during operation or bleeding into the thigh.


   Clinical features 




   Quadriceps action is lacking and the patient is unable to extend the knee actively. 
There is numbness of the anterior thigh and medial aspect of the leg.  The knee reflex 
is depressed.






  This is a fairly disabling lesion  and if possible counter measures should be 
undertaken . a thigh hematoma may need to be evacuated . a clean cut of the nerve 
may treated successfully by suturing or grafting.  The alternative would be a caliper to 
stabilize the knee , or tendon transfers of hamstring to quadriceps.


    Sciatic nerve 



    Division of the main sciatic nerve is rare except in gunshot wounds. Traction 
lesions may occur with traumatic hip dislocation and with pelvic fractures.


   Clinical features


  In a complete lesion the hamstrings and all muscles below the knee are paralyzed , 
the ankle jerk is absent. Sensation is lost below the knee , except on the medial side of 
the leg which is supplied by saphanous branch of the femoral nerve . the patient walks 
with a drop foot and a high stepping gait to avoid dragging the insensate foot on the 
ground .


   Sometimes only the deep part of the nerve is affected , producing what essentially a 
common peroneal palsy. If sensory loss extend into the thigh and the gluteal muscles 
are weak , suspect an associated lumbosacral plexus injury.


    In late cases the limb is wasted , with trophic ulcers of the foot and fixed deformity 
of the foot. 




  If the nerve is known to be divided , suturing or nerve grafting should be attempted 
even though it may take more than a year for leg muscles to be reinnervated. While 
recovery is awaited , a below – knee drop foot splint is fitted.


   The chances of recovery are generally poor at best , will be long delay and 
incomplete , partial lesion , in which there is protective sensation of the sole can s.t be 
managed by transferring tibialis posterior to the front in order to counteract the drop 
foot .  the deformities should be corrected if they threaten to cause pressure sores. If 
there is no recovery whatever , amputation may be preferable to flail , deformed and 
insensitive limb. 


  Peroneal nerves



  Injuries may affect either the common peroneal nerve or one of its branches the deep 
or superficial nerves.


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  Clinical features 


 The common peroneal nerve is often damaged at the level of the fibular neck by 
severe traction when the knee is forced into varus or by pressure from a splint or a 
plaster cast , from lying with the leg externally rotated , by skin traction , by 
intraneural ganglion or by wounds. The patient has a drop foot and can neither 
dorsiflex nor evert the foot .  the patient walks with a high stepping gait to avoid 
catching the toes.  Sensation is lost over the front and outer half of the leg and the 
dorsum of the foot . in late c ases pain may be a major feature.


   The deep peroneal nerve runs between the muscles of the anterior compartment of 
the leg and emerge at the lower border of the extensor retinaculum of the ankle .  it 
may be threatened in an anterior compartment syndrome.  This lead to pain and 
weakness of dorsiflexion and sensory loss in a small area of skin between the first and 
second toes.


    The superfacial peroneal nerve descend along the fibula , innervating the peroneal 
muscles and emerging through the deep fascia 5-10 cm above the ankle to supply the 
skin over the dorsum of the foot and the medial four toes.  The muscular portion may 
be involved in lateral compartment syndrome.  The patient complains of pain in the 
lateral part of the leg and numbness of the foot , there may be weakness of evertion 
and sensory loss on the dorsum of the foot 




   Direct injuries of the common peroneal nerve and its branches should be explored 
and repaired or grafted .  while recovery is awaited a splint may be worn to control 
ankle weakness . if there is no recovery , the disability can be minimized by tibialis 
posterior transfer or by foot stabilization , the alternative is a permanent splint.


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     Tibial nerves 



    The tibial nerve is rarely injured except in open wounds.  The distal part is 
sometimes involved in injuries around the ankle.


   Clinical features


  The patient is unable to planter-flex the ankle or flex the toes , sensation is abscent 
over the sole and part of the calf.  Because both the long the long flexor and the 
intrinsic muscles are involved, there is no much clawing , with time the calf and foot 
become atrophic and pressure ulcers may appear on the sole .  fractures and 
dislocation around the ankle may injure any of the branches and result picture depend 
on the level of the lesion , thus posterior tibial nerve causes wide sensory loss and 
clawing of the toes due to paralysis of the intrinsic with active long flexor , but  injury 
to one of the smaller branches causes only limited sensory loss and less motor 




    A complete nerve division should be sutured as soon as possible.   While recovery 
is awaited, a suitable orthosis is worn to prevent excessive dorsiflexion and the sole is 
protected from pressure ulceration.  In suitable cases , weakness of planter flexion can 
be treated by hindfoot fusion or transfer of the tibialis anterior to the back of the foot .


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