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Dr.Nisreen M. Ibraheem

Community Medicine Department

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Objectives: Identify the 

steps of proposal.

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Steps in development of health 

system research proposal:

Step 1: Statement of the problem: 
What is the problem, what to be 
Step 2: Literature Review: Literature 
and other available information.
Step 3: formulation of objectives: 
Include research questions or 


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*Steps in development of health 

system research proposal:

Step 4: Research methodology: Include 
type of study, place, expected time, sampling, 
data collection (technique, plan), data 
analysis plan, ethical consideration, and pilot 
or pretest study.
Step 5: Plan for utilization and 
dissemination of the results.
Step 6: Work plan: man power, time table, 
administration, monitoring and evaluation.

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*Steps in development of health 

system research proposal:

Step 7: Resources required and 
budget: Material support, 
equipments and money.
Step 8: Summary of proposal: 
Proposal presentation to 


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