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Acute abdomen

Any sudden, spontaneous, nontraumatic disorder whose

chief manifestation is in the abdominal area and for which

urgent operation may be necessary,there is frequently a

progressive underlying intra-abdominal disorder .Early

diagnosis and treatment avoid adverse outcome.

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The approach to a patient with an acute


must be orderly and thorough. The history and

physical examination should suggest the
probable causes and guide the choice of initial

diagnostic studies.

The clinician must then decide if :a- in-hospital

observation is warranted, b- if additional tests
are needed,c- if early operation is indicated, or

d- if nonoperative treatment would be more


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Abdominal Pain Pain is the most common and

predominant presenting feature of an acute

abdomen. Careful consideration of the

location, the mode of onset and progression,

and the character of the pain will suggest a

preliminary list of differential diagnoses.

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Character of pain:

The nature ,severity and periodicity of pain provide

useful clue to the underlying cause. Steady pain is most

common .sharp superficial constant pain due to sever

peritoneal irritation is typical of perforated ulcer or

rupture appendix, ovarian cyst or ectopic pregnancy.

The gripping progressing pain of small bowel obstruction

is usually intermittent, vague, deep-seated, and crescendo

at first but soon become sharper remitting and better

localized. Pain is

appropriately referred as colic if there are pain free

intervals that reflect intermittent smooth muscle


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Mode of Onset and Progression of Pain

The mode of onset of pain reflects the nature and severity of

the inciting process. Onset may be explosive (within

seconds), rapidly progressive (within 1–2 hours), or gradual

(over several hours). Unheralded, excruciating generalized

pain suggests an intra-abdominal catastrophe such as a

perforated viscus or rupture of an aneurysm, ectopic

pregnancy, or abscess. Accompanying systemic signs

(tachycardia, sweating, tachypnea, shock) soon supersede

the abdominal disturbances and underscore the need for

prompt resuscitation and laparotomy.

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The location of the pain :

visceral pain is elicited by distention, by inflammation

or ischemia stimulating the receptor neurons, or by

direct involvement (e.g, malignant infiltration) of

sensory nerves.

parietal pain is mediated by both C and A delta nerve

fibers. Direct irritation of the somatically innervated

parietal peritoneum (especially the anterior and

upper parts) by pus, bile, urine, or gastrointestinal

secretions leads to more precisely localized pain.

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Referred pain

Abdominal pain may be referred or may shift to sites

far removed from the primarily affected organs

(Figure). Referred pain denotes noxious (usually

cutaneous) sensations perceived at a site distant from

that of a strong primary stimulus. For example, pain

due to subdiaphragmatic irritation by air, peritoneal

fluid, blood, or a mass lesion is referred to the shoulder

via the C4-mediated (phrenic) nerve. Pain may also be

referred to the shoulder from supradiaphragmatic

lesions such as pleurisy or lower lobe pneumonia,

especially in young patients.

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