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                                            د. بان عامر موسى

Lec. 4    


المرحلة الرابعة



Methods of labor analgesia


    pain : defined as unpleasant sensation , subjective sensory and 
emotional experience associated with real or potential tissue 
damage , although pain may be considered the physiological 
consequence of normal labor , it may be the harbinger of 
pathological process such as obstructed labor , fetal malposition 
, uterine hyper stimulation and uterine rupture .


Severe pain stimulate sympathetic autonomic response which is


exacerbated by dehydration and exhaustion , it is characterized 
by hyperventilation , tachycardia , hypertension , increase O2 
and glucose consumption ,vasoconstriction with decrease blood 
flow across the placenta that lead to decrease fetal oxygenation 


Non regional analgesia for labor 


-Non pharmalogical method of pain relief include:-


Antenatal education , acupuncture , water immersion , massage 
and other relaxation techniques .


-Pharmalogical methods include :-


Entonox (50%  N2O in O2 )quick onset , short duration of effect 
by inhalation 


Systemic opioid : Diamorphin ,Pathedin ,Remifantanil 


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Complications :- nausea ,vomiting ,drowsiness and sedation , 
delayed gastric emptying , short term respiratory depression of 
the neonate , possibility of interfering with breast feeding .


Regional analgesia 


   Epidural analgesia ( extradural ):- is the reliable mean of 
providing effective analgesia in labor   


    Possible regional anesthesia techniques include epidural 
analgesia, spinal analgesia (sometimes referred to as the 
intrathecal or subarachnoid space), or a combination of epidural 
and spinal analgesia.


    Uterine contractions and cervical dilatation result in visceral 
pain. These pain impulses are transmitted by afferent, slow 
conducting sympathetic nerves and enter the spinal cord at the 
T10 to L1 level. As labor progresses, the descent of fetal head 
and subsequent pressure on the pelvic floor, vagina, and 
perineum, generates somatic pain, which is transmitted by the 
pudendal nerve (S2-4). These rapidly conducting somatic pain 
fibers are relatively difficult to block



    In obstetric patients, regional analgesia refers to partial or 
complete loss of pain sensation below the T8 to T10 spinal 
level. In addition, a varying degree of motor block may be 
present, depending on the agents used. Advantages of regional 
analgesia include the following


-Provides superior pain relief in first and second stages of labor


-Facilitates patient cooperation during labor and delivery


-Provides anesthesia for episiotomy and instrumental delivery


-Allows extension of anesthesia for cesarean delivery


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-Avoids opioid-induced maternal and neonatal respiratory 
depression from intravenous opioids


-Besides providing analgesia in labor, regional analgesia may 
facilitate atraumatic vaginal delivery of twins, preterm neonates, 
and neonates with breech presentation. 


-It also helps control blood pressure in women with 
preeclampsia by alleviating labor pain, and it blunts the 
hemodynamic effects of uterine contractions and the associated 
pain response in patients with other medical complications




Regional anesthesia is contraindicated in the


 -presence of actual or anticipated serious maternal hemorrhage 
and refractory maternal hypotension, 


-coagulopathy and anticoagulant therapy


-untreated bacteremia,


 -raised intracranial pressure, 


-skin or soft tissue infection at the site of the epidural or spinal 


-Regional analgesia is also contraindicated in cases of patient 
refusal or inadequate practitioner training and experience


-As exacerbation of neurological diseases might be attributed 
without cause to the anesthetic agent, many clinicians avoid 
regional anesthesia in its presence


-Other maternal conditions such as aortic stenosis, pulmonary 
hypertension, or right-to-left shunts are also relative 
contraindications to the use of regional analgesia. Only opioids 

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could be used for labor analgesia in these situations, as they do 
not decrease systemic vascular resistance.


For patients with mitral stenosis, regional analgesia 

(epidural) is the preferred method



, analgesia is controversial

severe preeclampsia

In women with 

due to Obstetrical concerns that regional analgesia include 
hypotension induced by sympathetic blockade, danger from 
pressor agents given to correct hypotension, and potential for 
pulmonary edema following infusion of large volumes of 


Conversely, general anesthesia with tracheal intubation may 
result in severe sudden hypertension, further complicated by 
cerebral or pulmonary edema or intracranial hemorrhage


Over the past 2-3 decades, most obstetric anesthesiologists have 
come to favor epidural blockade for labor analgesia in women 
with severe preeclampsia.


Currently, practitioners routinely perform regional analgesia 
with platelet counts below 100,000, although few will 
instrument the spinal/epidural space if the platelet count is 
below 50,000. Several studies have reported no complications in 
women with platelet counts between 50,000-100,000


Special precautions are needed for patients taking anticoagulants 
to avoid epidural or spinal hematoma




Spinal anesthesia (or spinal anesthesia), also called spinal 
block, subarachnoid block (SAB), intradural block and 
intrathecal block, is a form of regional anesthesia involving 
injection of a local anaesthetic into the subarachnoid space, 
generally through a fine needle, usually 9 cm long (3.5 inches). 

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For extremely obese patients longer needles are available 
(12.7 cm / 5 inches). 


Spinal anesthesia is the technique of choice for Caesarean 
section as it avoids a general anesthetic and the risk of failed 
intubation (which is approximately 1 in 250 in pregnant 
women). It also means the mother is conscious and the partner is 
able to be present at the birth of the child. The post-operative 
analgesia from intrathecal opioids in addition to non-steroidal 
anti-inflammatory drugs is also good.


If surgery allows, spinal anaesthesia is very useful in patients 
with severe respiratory disease e.g. COPD as it avoids 
intubation and ventilation. It may also be useful in patients 



where anatomical abnormalities may make

very difficult.






Non-availability of patient's consent


Local infection or sepsis at the site of lumbar puncture


or systemic 



Bleeding disorders
anticoagulation (secondary to an increased risk of a 


epidural hematoma




Space occupying lesions of the brain


Anatomical disorders of the spine


Hypovolaemia e.g. following massive haemorrhage, including 
in obstetric patients





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Can be broadly classified as immediate (on the operating table) 
or late (in the ward or in the P.A.C.U. post-anaesthesia care 


Hypotension (Spinal shock) - Due to sympathetic nervous 
system blockade. Common but usually easily treated with 
intravenous fluid and sympathomimmetic drugs such as 
Ephedrine, Phenylephrine 


Post dural puncture head ache (PDPH) or post spinal head ache - 
Associated with the size and type of spinal needle used


Cauda equina injury - very rare, due to the insertion site being 
too high


Cardiac arrest - very rare, usually related to the underlying 
medical condition of the patient


Spinal canal haematoma, with or without subsequent 
neurological sequelae due to compression of the spinal nerves. 
Urgent CT/MRI to confirm the diagnosis followed by urgent 
surgical decompression to avoid permanent neurological 


Epidural abscess, again with potential permanent neurological 
damage. May present as meningitis or an abscess with back 
pain, fever, lower limb neurological impairment and loss of 
bladder/bowel function. Urgent CT/MRI confirms the diagnosis 
followed by antibiotics and urgent surgical drainage .




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